Stepping into Purpose

YouGlowGirl64-webThe heart of human excellence often starts to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion – Terry Orlick

It is hard to believe that the end of next month will mark one year in business for me. It has been an incredible year of learning and self-discovery. There have been times of inspiration and joy and LOTS of times of fear and doubt.

But something has now shifted as I step fully into my purpose.

Most of the year I have put my corporate leadership training, consulting and coaching first as I believed that would pay the bills. While on the side I did what I really wanted to do – inspire people to consciously create the lives, relationships and individual wellness they long for through workshops and corporate wellness initiatives.

My big ah ha moment came at an industry conference in April. I was introduced to someone. I stumbled in my 15 second cocktail party introduction on who I am and what I do….even after many months. You see I am not your typical “HR Consultant.”

It was around that time I realized it was time to GO BIG or GO HOME! It was time to step fully into my purpose. It was time to start stepping up and using my divine gifts and talents in a truly authentic and inspirational way.

It’s sort of interesting because my success in terms of coaching and leadership development in the corporate setting have really come from doing exactly that; however, it was in a less obvious, toned down and “appropriate” way for the business environment. But in reality every single leader I have had the pleasure of coaching or training is looking for the same thing – balance, passion and abundance in all areas of their lives.

This week I went into the studio to record my first on line video coaching program called YOU GLOW GIRL! 90 Days to Balance, Passion & Abundance. I am SO excited to be able to help more people begin a process of creating juicy abundant lives; lives that make their hearts and souls glow.

As I find myself stepping fully into alignment with my life’s purpose I feel VERY different! I feel AWAKE, ALIVE, ENERGIZED, ON FIRE, ENTHUSIASTIC, CONNECTED, AT PEACE, INSPIRED, HOPEFUL, STRONG, EMPOWERED and…READY TO TAKE ON THE WORLD!

Queue my 2014 Success Song!

Coming soon….YOU GLOW GIRL! 90 Days to Balance, Passion & Abundance.  Stay tuned for an opportunity to take your life back and live a truly inspired and aligned life. Join me on Facebook for latest updates.


2 thoughts on “Stepping into Purpose”

    • Thanks Scarlett! It is true. Finding our purpose and our voice is a journey not an event. I am looking forward to see what unfolds next!

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