Are two heads better than one?

LionsI am really excited to introduce this week’s guest blogger and soul sister, Lorie Corcuera from SPARK Creations here at home in Vancouver, British Columbia. Thanks for sharing your SPARKle Lorie!

Like most people, it is REALLY hard for me to ask for help.

I know this stems from hearing my parents tell me repeatedly to take care of myself, and being the eldest of five sisters, I felt it was my duty to take care of others.

Fast forward 39 years later and I still have challenges asking for help. It’s not that I think I can do everything but there’s a little voice inside of me that does not want to burden others. I tell myself that we are all busy and other people do not have time to help.

My thinking is totally off.

According to a documentary by Tom Shadyac called “I AM” (which is available on Netflix), we are already born connected to each other, to the Universe, and because of that, we naturally want to stay connected.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller


Think about how animals in their natural environments live. They stick together and move in packs. They support one another and do things together. They are more powerful together as a group than being on their own.

The truth is…we are the same. And why does it always feel good to help someone in need?

It’s because we were designed to serve and support. Therefore, we must create opportunities for all of us to receive the love and support of others. When we ask for help, we are giving the other person an experience that will make them feel good. We are giving them a gift.

Sure, not everyone can help or are always ready to help. But it’s still worth asking and taking the time to seek for support.

When you open yourself to receive love, the Universe (or God) will provide. The key is that you have to ask for what you want.

Just a few weeks ago, I was feeling lost and uncertain about being self employed. For so many years, I have been part of an organization where I can see and feel the energy of others. I am an extrovert so for me, working alone in my home office was not a good feeling.

I started asking the Universe to help me out.

I did not ignore what I was feeling and instead of going through it alone, I called up my SPARKner Aileen for some love and support. The next day I met up with another SPARKner Teresa for more love and support. Then David, another SPARKner called me out of the blue to check up on me.

My heart was open and the Universe responded.

Now imagine if you were surrounded by like minded and heart centered individuals…ALL THE TIME!

What would your life be like to be a part of a circle of individuals who understand you and want to support you?

What would it be like to feel stronger during difficult times and to have the space to help others move through life’s obstacles?

What would it feel like to continuously be inspired and empowered to be the best human being you can be?

Some of us are fortunate to be surrounded by the love and support of family and friends.

Even if you already feel loved and supported, help another individual experience the same feeling and create a circle that supports them and others.




When you are having a challenging day, who do you call? Is it easy for you to ask for help? Do you have someone in your life that needs your love and support? Do you proactively reach out to your loved ones and see how they are doing? Call someone you care about and let them know that they can call you anytime when they need help. Also, share your intention to do the same when you need their love and support.

Lorie Corcuera