Soul Mates

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.Judy Garands

Is there such thing as a soul mate? If you google soul mate, one of the top responses is “the soul mate myth.”  So is the concept just a myth? I say no! It is not a myth. We have however,  been led to believe we just stumble upon or find a soul mate, rather than develop and deepen our relationships to create a soul mate.

Our misunderstanding looks something like this –Your eyes lock with his across a room and you just know you have found “the one” – your soul mate. After the exciting courtship where you get to know each other and make an effort to develop a connection, you get married and live happily ever after. Until the day you wake up and realize you no longer feel like you are with your soul mate. When you rely on magic rather than effort your results are often less than desirable.

Soul mates are developed, not found. As you move upwards through four distinct realms of connection you begin to deepen and strengthen your relationship. When you reach the highest level, you create a soul mate connection. This takes time, effort, trust and courage. It is not a magical thing that just happens. You do not “find” your soul mate; you “develop” a relationship with a partner who then becomes your soul mate. What are these four distinct realms?

Physical – This is the base or primary level in which you connect. This realm is the most comfortable and takes the least amount of effort. When you connect only in this realm, you may find yourself wanting more from the relationship. An example of being in the physical realm is when you are with each other but not connecting on another level, for example watching TV together.

Mental – The next level in the realms of connection is the mental level. This is where you talk about how you might achieve your goals or discuss the current events in your lives. There is a two way communication and understanding. You may work together to solve problems or to achieve success. Most couples easily work within this realm on a weekly basis.

Emotional – The third level as we ascend in the realms of connection is the emotional level. This is a more difficult area for couples to experience for many reasons.  You may be afraid of feeling judged. Society has trained our men not to show their emotions and to be strong or can do men. When you are in an emotional connection you share your hopes, your dreams, your fears and you trust your partner will support you.

Spiritual – The highest in the realms of connection is the spiritual level. When you are connected at this deep level, you have a desire to serve your partners highest good and let go of your own ego needs. When two people are serving each other’s highest good there is trust, happiness and fulfilment in the relationship. If you are able to experience this level of connection as you grow together and deepen your connection then you will develop a soul mate partnership. You ascend beyond the body, mind and heart to a deeper and more meaningful soul level.

Soul mates are not a myth. They are a level of connection achieved only by growing together, working on and deepening your partnership connection.

Challenge: Think about how you can develop a deeper connection with your partner. How can you commit to grow together in the next year?  What fears do you have to courageously set aside to benefit from developing a deeper level of trust? Do it! The rewards are significant.


2 thoughts on “Soul Mates”

  1. Love this and very true!
    Still developing our relationship as soulmates after 16 years!
    As I read this I was remembering what we were doing while we went through each stage. Seeing as it was a very long distance relationship the first year it was very challenging to say the least. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. We just talked about growing closer together spiritually at our last bible group. Marriage is not always easy and I find we have to revisit these levels often!! It is an ongoing process! Your blogs are like therapy, they really make me think! I have many A-HA! moments as well!
    Keep up the awesome posts:-) I really look forward to reading them. I always did like to listen to you speak at meetings. You are a talented public speaker:-)

  2. Thank you Leanne. I am glad to hear that you are finding value and being challenged to think in new ways after reading. I appreciate your support! Diane

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