Have you heard A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay?
This is my favourite song right now! Every time I hear this song it lights me up. I just want to turn it up and sing really loud and dance!
Why is that?
It speaks to me about wonder…
It speaks about uncertainty…
It speaks to me about something so amazing, yet outside of our control…
It speaks to me about all-encompassing, take your breath away kind of love!
But it speaks to me beyond the words of the lyrics. The music makes me feel a certain way. A way that very few songs make me feel. It makes me feel happy, joyful, hopeful and connected to my heart and soul deepest desires.
Last month I attended Danielle Laporte’s Desire Map Workshop facilitated by the amazing Sandi Amorim! In this beautiful day together we uncovered our Core Desired Feelings. My CDF’s are JOY, CONNECTED and ADORED.
Hmmm…seeing any connections to this song?
My life is unfolding in such an interesting way right now. The more I connect to my Core Desired Feelings and the Access Consciousness work I have been doing with the beautiful Linda Adsetts, the more I let go of rules, expectations, outcomes and what society defines as proper or right. The more my heart bubbles over with JOY.
This week the universe served up a test for me.
The first experience makes me light up just thinking about it. For one evening I felt JOY, CONNECTED and ADORED. There is no certainty, commitment or plans for the future; however, rather than focus on what is not, I am choosing to celebrate everything this relationship brings to me. I would not be where I am today without this person. He inspires me to live my purpose and I know without a doubt that he would be there for me if I ever needed anything. When something really good or really bad happens to me, he is the first person I want to tell. Although there are no rules that define this relationship, it remains the only place where my heart and soul feel safe.
The second experience was an offer of everything most people would deem as wonderful. An exclusive, stable, commitment relationship with someone that has 90% of the qualities I look for in the “perfect” man. But here’s the thing, even though this person scores highly when cross referenced with “the list,” he fails to make me feel how I desire to feel in a relationship. When you think about this relationship opportunity it might make sense; however, when I consider how I feel, it’s a no deal.
Yes, it is true some might think I am crazy.
But I believe in Epic Love….the kind that makes me feel JOY, CONNECTED and ADORED. So f*ck certainty and f*ck society’s expectations and just let me breathe in my Sky Full of Stars and be truly happy!
Are you ready for Epic Love? Lets work together and make it happen for you in 2015! Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you have the relationship you REALLY desire! [email protected]