But I think I am ready to go public!
I have been working out with a personal trainer for three weeks now. I typically keep things like this a secret so that when I give up or fail at the pursuit of getting in shape no one really knows.
For the past few years I have gone through the cycle of getting pumped to get in shape and lose that extra weight and just feel better overall. I commit to working out three to four times a week and I eat clean, increasing protein and greens and decreasing carbs. I do a really good job and remain committed to my plan for about two months and then discouragement sets in. My scale will not budge past a 5lb weight loss.
Seriously? All of that effort and sweating for only 5lbs? So I give up.
I get back to my comfortable position on the couch wearing my pajamas and enjoying all of my favourites which includes macaroni and cheese and home baked chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. I rationalize that the reason my body is holding onto the extra weight is for emotional protection.
My friends will tell you how much I dislike exercise. I’ll admit, I am a bit of a Princess and do not like to sweat…it’s just yucky! My trainer will tell you the story of how just this week as he was dragging me up Oxford Street in White Rock ( a really steep street) he asked what things I like to eat for breakfast and my response was, “room service in a 5 star hotel right before my spa appointment.” But I am declaring this time it will be different! Why?

I am committing to myself. I coach others on how to create lives filled with balance, passion and abundance by nurturing all four life dimensions – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual in all their relationships in life. I am personally pretty good in the other three, but my physical realm has always been my toughest. Because I am committed to designing my best life, it is time to break through that.
My scale will not defeat me. Rather than focus solely on the number on the scale, I am focusing on other metrics. I am already getting stronger and can go much longer before I feel like dying. My jeans are already starting to feel loose. I did a 10 day cleanse before I started with my trainer so my mind feels sharper. The endorphins are important as we move into rainy season.
I am doing something that works for me. Some people can sign up for a class and show up regularly. I am not the best at that especially since my schedule changes week to week. I am also not the best at walking a few 100 meters to the free gym in my complex. Working with a personal trainer means I have an appointment with a person and that works for me. My trainer is AWESOME!! He is a very kind person but takes no excuses and pushes me to break past what I think I can do. Thank you Joe!! A shout out to Total Edge Hockey & Fitness!
I am accountable to a group. I made a commitment to my women’s group coaching tribe YOUR BEST YEAR YET! As the coach and facilitator of this group I need to be a good role model and do what I say I am going to do. Knowing that I am working together with other AWESOME women to make this our BEST YEAR YET! inspires me to work hard.
I do not need to protect myself anymore. I feel happier right now than I ever remember feeling. Is everything in my life perfect and exactly how I want it? No! But I just feel a sense of contentment and peace knowing that life is unfolding for me exactly how it is meant to and I am on track to making all my dreams come true.
I have a vision. My vision is to be in the best shape I have been in for the last 10 years by my 45th birthday – this June. There are a few events along the way leading up to June that provide mini milestones to keep me motivated in the short term – A Hanukkah celebration in December and my brother’s wedding in April.
I have defined a reward. In 2010 I did a boudoir shoot. At the time I thought it would only be downhill from there so I did it before I grew older. I now know that the first 40 years of my life were just practice years. I really AM like fine wine and getting better in many ways with age. I want my physical presence to emulate the beauty of my soul. As a result, I have decided to do another boudoir shoot for my 45th birthday and I know it will be even better than the first.

I am letting go of avoiding. I am letting go of my past failures in this area. I am ready to break free and create space that will align my physical being with my mind, heart and soul. No more secrets!
What secrets do you keep? You do not need to feel like you are not making progress. You really can move past what you may have failed at in the past. It’s time! You do not have to do it alone. I am here to help you find clarity, gain confidence and start living the kick ass life you desire. Contact me today so we can get started! [email protected]
Good for you Diane! Another step towards our best year yet :)
You looked amazing in your 2010 photo shoot – and you will rock the next one too!
(and yes, this does inspire me to also get back on track…)