Authenticity is one of those buzz words we hear a lot about of late. If you’re in any way involved with Consciousness, Living your best Life, Law of Attraction, or any other ascension and evolution practice you’re likely pretty connected to the term.
And as with most terms that show up on our shores, this one has been used so much that it has begun to have a sort of “pressure” associated with it.
Or maybe it’s just me. But I don’t think so.
What I notice happening is bigger and bigger demands for more and more “authenticity” – to be more and more authentic. Is this wrong? Not at all – except that by definition authenticity is specific to the individual.
That means my being authentically me is NOT going to look like you being authentically you!
Are there some carry overs? Sure – things like honesty, kindness etc; should be par for the course for all of us.
But with the pressure to become more and more authentic comes the feeling- once again that we are not “enough”.
If we don’t share with everyone every minute detail of our life – we’re not being “authentic”, If we’re too happy then it’s not “authentic” it’s becomes a judging zone where we point fingers at one another to determine who is and who is not authentic.
Let’s be honest- we’re not all Bubbles of cheerful effervescence – but for some of us that IS our authentic self.
Some of us are:
- Authentically introverted
- Authentically private
- Authentically outspoken
- Authentically Intense and thoughtful
- Authentically whimsical
- Authentically shy
- Authentically possess a dry sense of humor
- Authentically dark and raw
We are all called to different audiences, different paths, and different ways of being.
There is no one true way that authenticity looks.
And because of this it becomes difficult to recognize when you’re being authentic to you- or are you being authentic to someone else’s path- someone you respect or look up to, someone you admire or love.
So here you go darling- here’s the yummy filled piece of chocolate at the end of the rainbow, the big fat thing I want to share with you –
Authenticity doesn’t require a One True Way of being as you go through the world.
It doesn’t all look the same of sound the same.
The one requirement is Truth.
Think about it for a second. Let it marinate.
An authentic Degas is not the same as an Authentic Monet
An authentic poem by Poe sounds nothing like one by Angelou
Authentic means: True to your own Character, Spirit, and Personality.
Yes being authentic is really and for-true all about being True to your Self. Not your little self but your great-big Self – the self that bursting at the seams to get out there and be expressed.
And it changes, flows, ebbs, transforms as you grow and evolve!
- Sometimes that Self likes to share and sometimes not – that is okay!
- Sometimes it wants fun and sometimes serious – and that’s okay!
- Sometimes it’s profoundly silly and other times whimsically sage-like – and that’s okay!
- Sometimes it’s an introvert or an extrovert
- You can be bright and cheery or more intense and reflective – Or BOTH by turns!
Being authentic is all about truth, all the time – even WITH shame or fear, out loud or while whispering. It’s all okay and it’s all good as long as it’s all TRUE.
It’s time to be fully You – all day all the Time – come on out – I’d love to meet you!
Namaste – Evocoteur. Femininity Expert. Ecstasy Educator. Namaste Moore is the Founder of “SOFT” – The School of Feminine Transformation and the Creator of “Occupy The Feminine”. She is a Public Speaker, Educator and Coach using her unique gifts, juicy insight and humor to inspire transformation. A wife and mother of 8 she is also a Reiki Master, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and WisdomKeeper for Women’s Mysteries.