Glow Girl! Susie Verde

What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?

I am a mother, daughter, friend and fashionista at heart. Above all, I am a student of life. My life journey is unveiling itself all the time and I’m just along for the ride.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?

I used to always stand in my own way!! Through fear of both failure and success, I used to have analysis paralysis. But now I’ve learned that success only comes through failure and not in spite of it. Some of my biggest failures have been my deepest lessons and for that, I am grateful.

How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

BIG changes for me this year! I have learned that not being in control of everything can be fabulous! One of my greatest accomplishments this year has been starting a Mastermind group with local business women. It has taught me the power of like minds coming together for a common purpose. It is inspiring and feeds my soul!  My major lesson this year has been to say yes to love with all my heart and work through the fear that I would lose my independence. A wise Mastermind told me that there is also strength in partnerships and I am discovering this every day.

I continue to learn that life is short and if you have a desire in your heart, GO FOR IT! Play big, love big and always lift others up.

What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?

This is the year that I walk through my fears and go after my dreams with my whole heart. If I can do this, anyone can.

We all have the glow inside of us. It’s up to us to bring it out and share it with the world. I am throwing caution to the wind this year and deciding to play BIG. Stay tuned…;)


What is YOUR story? I would love to feature you as a Glow Girl so your story can inspire other women. Contact me today at [email protected]

Are YOU ready to create the life YOU really desire? My video coaching series – YOU GLOW GIRL! 90 Days to Balance, Passion & Abundance can help YOU get started.

The course is designed in short video coaching clips and exercises that you can complete when you have time. You don’t even have to leave the house! I know you are busy managing everything else in your life; boy I can relate. That is exactly why I designed this on line series; so YOU could give something back to YOURSELF that fits YOUR lifestyle. AND, I priced it at the crazy low price of ONLY $49.99 so it was easily accessible. I am committed to helping YOU create the life YOU want to live. Get started today! Click Here.

3 thoughts on “Glow Girl! Susie Verde”

  1. great to meet you glowgirl Susie! and yes the mastermind groups and having partnership when one is an entrepreneur is fabulous! keep on glowing girl!

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