What girl doesn’t love diamonds? There is something so magical about the way they sparkle, their enduring strength and their meaning of forever lasting love, clarity and wisdom.
Just like every diamond is unique so are YOU, a divinely created unique goddess. And YOU too can shine bright like a diamond when you apply the 4C’s of a GLOWING life.
Colour, Clarity, Carat and Cut are the 4C’s in diamonds that make them shine bright. Guess what? There are also 4C’s that can help YOU shine bright and have the life you REALLY want. Not the one you “think” you should have, but the one your heart and soul REALLY desires, craves and longs for.
The 4C’s to make YOU shine bright are Creation, Connection, Contribution and Community.
Creation – YOU have the power to create the life YOU desire. It is about waking up from following along one day after the next and realizing that YOU are the CEO of YOUR Life. In my YOU GLOW GIRL!® 90 Days to Balance, Passion and Abundance video coaching series I will help you begin this practice with a new understanding, a simple and effective process and tools to help you begin consciously creating a GLOWING life.
Connection – Life is really about relationship. Your relationship or connection with yourself, your work, your community, your money, your partner, family, children, parents etc. We live “in connection” and by optimizing your connection in the relationships you value most YOU will shine brighter. In my YOU GLOW GIRL!® 90 Days to Balance, Passion and Abundance video coaching series I will work with you to design your life through enhancing relationships and deepening connections.
Contribution – YOU are all here for a reason. YOU have a purpose. YOU have a desire to contribute to something meaningful. It is often through contribution that we learn the most about ourselves and grow in significant ways while providing service to others. By giving, we always receive so much more. When you are contributing in a meaningful way YOU will shine bright. The important piece is to contribute in a way that makes your heart sing – that feels good. Contributing because you “think” you should will not have the same effect.
Do you belong to a women’s organization that has a designated charity? YOU GLOW GIRL!® will give $5.00 for every purchase of YOU GLOW GIRL!® 90 Days to Balance, Passion & Abundance to your charity when you use your organizations promo code. Get a promo code for your organization by contacting Diane today.
Community – Human hearts long to belong to something bigger; something meaningful. There is comfort in knowing we are not alone in our beliefs, thoughts or experience. Women often feel like they are alone. The feel like they have to be perfect in all the roles they play and often feel less than that. They feel like they are the only one with that voice inside their head telling them they are not “enough.” The YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community is a place where women like YOU can come together to consciously create juicy, abundant lives based in connection and contribution. A community where every woman is MORE than ENOUGH just the way they are! YOU belong here. Join us today!