What is YOUR story? Who are You? What is YOUR journey all about?
I grew up in South Surrey, British Columbia, Canada with my parents and one sister. Both my parents immigrated here from Holland when they were young. I’m very blessed with one son who is very active in sports and the arts. We are very busy with all his activities but I feel very fortunate that I have been able to be home to raise my child. It was something I dreamed of since I was a young girl, to have a family of my own. I love running, practicing yoga, hiking and being outdoors. Nature has always soothed my soul. I have an amazing support system of family and friends. I love spending time with them and with our children, laughing and creating memories. I am very active in the recovery community; it has become my greatest passion; helping other women find recovery and helping them get their lives back.
What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that you feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?
All my life I’ve struggled to find my purpose. It seemed to come so effortlessly to the people around me, yet mine had escaped me. To everyone from the outside looking in, I had all the makings of a perfect life. I had a beautiful and healthy family. I lived in a home that I’d never dreamed possible. I should have been happy and content, but why wasn’t I?
Why was I feeling this enormous void inside?
I was filled with anxiety, depression, and an aching loneliness. There was a huge hole inside of me and nothing could fill it. I started using substances to numb my feelings and ended up in the grip of addiction. I had no idea how things had gotten so bad, but as I have learned, addiction is a progressive illness and I was spinning out of control. I began to isolate more and more from my friends and family. My world came crumbling down and I found myself in a series of treatment centers.
I was losing hope that I could ever change.
Physicians told me that I was going to die if I continued living the way I was, but nothing anyone else said could make me stop. I was full of so much guilt and shame for the person I had become. Unable to care for even myself, I had reached my bottom. I was finally able to surrender and ask for help. I came to the realization that I couldn’t battle this alone.
This is the moment when I began to grow and GLOW. I became ready and willing to receive the help I so desperately needed. I started to live in the solution, instead of the problem. I began a journey of self-discovery and spirituality. Slowly that hole, that void, began to fill with a sense of purpose, and a passion for helping others. The satisfaction I felt helping other women, was unlike anything I had known. This was my purpose. The very thing that had torn my world apart had brought me to the thing that would bring me the greatest meaning in my life. It would also bring me to the one thing that I had been missing all of my life, a spiritual connection.
How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?
I’ve learned that whatever plans I may have for myself, it is just a fraction of what the universe has in store for me. Today my life is filled with love and joy and faith. The main focus of my time is spent trying to help others along this beautiful and sometimes painful journey of recovery. Time does indeed heal, acceptance comes, and life goes on; and I often discover that I’m having more fun than I ever have before and doing things I could never do in the past. For example I am now certified to teach yoga, another part of my recovery that brings me closer to my Spirit; it cares for my mind body and soul.
I am proud of the person that I have become and have healthy self-esteem. All these things seemed impossible to me at some point in my life, I can’t imagine what else is in store for me. I’ve learned that I am courageous, I am a survivor. One day at a time, I continue to grow and learn and teach and learn some more.
What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL Community?
If you are struggling with something whether it’s big or small, reach out for help; don’t let your pride stand in the way of your living a better life. Sometimes, most times, by asking for help, you are actually helping someone else. No matter how strong I am, I am ten times stronger with my army of girlfriends.
I wish for you all abundance, laughter and love of self and others.
Connect with Nicole – Email: [email protected] Facebook – Nicole Roosdahl Instagram – nikkvan
Every woman has a story. Glow Girls are women who are consciously creating the lives their hearts and souls desire even though life has presented them some challenges and bumps along the way. Their light shines through the cracks creating GLOW. Every week we feature a new GLOW GIRL and her story. Don’t miss it! Join the YOU GLOW GIRL! Community on Facebook.
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