Glow Girl! Linda Adsetts

Linda Glow GirlWhat is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?I am who I am! My whole life has been a journey to discover who I am underneath all my fears. Many years ago I had a crisis that was spiraling me down into a dark hole. I literally cried out to God – HELP ME!  – and with that I decided to begin to meditate which led me to Reiki, which led me to mediumship, which led me to other healing modalities.

I currently am an Access Consciousness BARS Facilitator. Access Consciousness has been something that has created the most change in my life. I have also seen some amazing results with clients after I facilitate a BARS session!

I also write inspired messages from The Group, who are a gathering of non-physical beings, in Today’s Messages and in various blogs. They are always reminding me to Go For The Joy,  which happens to be the name of my web-site.

So who am I? I am me and that me is refusing to be limited by judgment from myself or others. That me is remembering that joy is the most important journey we can embark upon. Sometimes we have to be in a dark place before we remember and reach for this one truth.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?

My biggest challenge is not any different than most people. I forget that I am unique and my gifts are valuable. I underestimate who I be! That one factor has caused all of the “problems” in my life from abusive relationships, failed businesses and a screwed up body image!

How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

In the past year I have discovered that what I have to offer is of value, that I have unique gifts that can change people’s lives. There have been so many ah-ha moments! I have discovered the connections between my previous judgments about myself and life have been more than a little misleading. Through questioning and clearing, which is Access Consciousness work I have had ah-ah moments around money, my marriage and my weight. Truly the list is a little long and once I have cleared whatever issue popped up for me, I mostly forget about it! If it pops up again I know that I missed a piece and I go back at it again from another perspective.

What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?

Everyone is unique and everyone matters! If you think who you are doesn’t matter you are merely forgetting who you really are! As The Group tells me constantly-you are magnificent beings of light and love-period-no ands, ifs or buts. Don’t ever give up on yourself-be kind and gentle with yourself. When we are happy then the whole world responds to us in an amazing way! When we are joyful we stop reacting and we being to respond, to our world, in a more allowing way and that is no small thing!

3083345[1]Learn more about Linda on her website – or check out her You Tube Channel

I have personally worked with Linda and have seen great transformation in my life in just two sessions! She is a truly gifted, warm and connected woman and I highly recommend her services to anyone who wants to create a better life. – Diane

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