What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?
My name is Gina Nicole, which translates to “”well-born victory of the people,” and that is what I aim to be; a child of love that will guide you to your personal victories.
I am a Feng Shui practitioner who helps to create beautiful and purposeful spaces. (Feng Shui is a fancy name for moving things around, having fun with color, making your home and business feel GREAT, and changing your life in the process). I am also an Intuitive Counselor. I spend a lot of my free time clearing my mind and taking care of me, so that I am grounded to connect for you, your loved ones, and animals!
My journey to this point of glowing has had some dark moments and flare ups! I grew up in the lettuce capital of California, riding horses, doing ballet, and playing softball. When I was five I was on a local news story with my horse. When the reporter asked me if I wanted to be a cowgirl when I grew up, I replied, “no, I want to be a nurse.” It shocked everyone (including me a little), because I screamed at the sight of a needle or blood. Looking back, I knew I wanted to help channel healing energy, I just didn’t know what to call it.
When I was 21 I had my first spiritual experience with a swami from India. I spent a lot of time learning from his spiritual teachings. He was also an astrologer, and gave me my first reading. While he gave me exciting, edge of the seat details, he also gave me shouldn’ts and nevers. Recap: amongst other things, he told me I couldn’t write, would get a divorce in time, be a flight attendant, would never have luck in love, and should focus on spiritual teaching only.
Any guesses what happened? All of the above. This did become my story, because I believed it was my truth.
When I was 27, I found myself divorced, and very ill. I had various doctors advise me of different options, none of which sounded appealing to me; medicines, surgeries, procedures. I chose a different route, a holistic one. I researched various modalities of natural healing. I found an acupuncturist who suffered the same syndrome as me. She had made progress herself, and I was confident she could do the same for me. My work with her was most excellent, and I began to heal when I began to believe I would.
About 3 months into my healing journey with her, I met a Feng Shui practitioner. I had read so many books, and researched the topic for many years up to this point, but never had hired a professional. As much as I didn’t want to spend more money to heal, the little voice inside told me if I wanted to change, I had to be a visionary and not act out of fear of money. I hired her with great intention. I listened to her advice, made the changes in my home, and my healing began to magically unfold at an even greater speed. I began sleeping better, work progressed, and my relationships improved.
After a year of working with various gentle approaches to heal, I went back to my primary doctor. This doctor originally told me that my best option for improved health was a hysterectomy, and at some point that would just have to happen. When he saw my progress, his only response available was, “you just got really lucky.”
From that point on I was enthralled, and knew that I wanted to learn this art so that I could share it with people who needed it the most. My experience was enriched by learning more and exploring different modalities and realms. I gathered knowledge in whatever way possible. I embarked on learning intuitive work, reiki, aura readings, past life work, oracle cards, angels, numerology, astrology. I learned how to manifest health, my “dream job,” a healthy relationship with money, and a romantic relationship, ALL beyond my wildest dreams.
I have been faced with many “you will nevers,” “you can nots,” and “you should nots.” For a while I listened to all of them, and I let those beliefs play out to be my story.
Eventually I became fed up with the limitations. I took a stance for me and made the decision to stand in my power and, not “should” on myself. I not only came out on top, but exceeded my own visions and intentions.
My experience proved to be so life changing, I have dedicated my path to help you do the same.
I am humbled to share with you the tools I used and continue to use to reach my personal victories. I am committed to working in a place of light, compassion, gentleness, integrity, and above all, LOVE. My intention is to remain uplifting and sincere, while I support you to create a mental and physical energy space that will allow you to forgive your past, love your present, and manifest your future beyond your wildest dreams!
What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?
The biggest challenge I have had is not knowing how to authentically love myself. I have been stuck in the mind set where I could not acknowledge my heart’s desires, where I criticized myself worse than my own enemy. The way I talked to my body, financial situation, and other people had a snow ball effect. It brought me more to be worried about, and showed up in my emotion, my outcomes, and in my health.
That being said, I am grateful for that challenging time. It enabled me to empathize with the empty, yearning feeling, even if only minimal at times. It inspired me to be on the journey of constant self-love that I am now able to share with you.
How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?
This past year was a huge one for me in terms of personal development and growth. It was an accumulation of many lessons over the past several years that led me to my big ah-ha moment, and my biggest growth spurt of all … quitting my safe, comfortable, job with a salary, to surrender to a path of purpose and love.
Feng Shui and Intuitive work has been my passion since 2003. I started practicing and helping others in 2009, BUT I always played it safe. I practiced on the side while I maintained a full time “promising income.”
After I used the art to manifest a life I literally could have never imagined living, I realized I was in a position to not only focus on helping others do the same, I was being called to take the leap of faith. So I did.
Leaving my job and committing to a path of healing, love, and light, has helped me to grow strong in my faith. I have become more grounded in my values than I ever have been before.
In the process, many things I have learned over the years have been affirmed. I saw how blessing my income, and giving thanks for all the abundance in my life, truly does bring forward more to be grateful for.
I have learned the power in only taking advice from someone when they are on an admirable journey of integrity themselves.
I now understand that the difficult emotion of walking away from dead end relationships is short lived, and better always comes in return.
I have learned releasing attachments to any outcome, and letting go of expectations is the far better than worry, because the universe really does have something planned FAR GREATER than I could ever imagine.
Alas, I have learned that loving me and loving in the now truly is the better choice. I will continue to remain adaptable and take things as they come, discovering one moment at a time, because I now know I wouldn’t want to live any other way.
What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?
Part of how Diane defines glow on her homepage at https://glowleadership.com, is a brilliance or a vividness of colour. Keep in mind that even vivid color comes from somewhere. For example, you have to mix red and blue to get purple. My point, there is work required. Work is not always easy, but it is worth it.
My path was not easy to get to this point. And even after manifesting new things and people I am grateful for, I still learn because it is new! I have a team I count on for help, I am in constant self-care, and I continue to learn each day.
What I love about the GLOW GIRL community is the sense of bringing people together, so that you don’t have to do this work alone. There are an abundance of tools and communities for you. Some things may work for you, and some may not, but just be actionable and start.
EVERYTHING is literally possible. If you can think it, you can create it. In fact, your situation you are in right now is a result of your past thoughts. Are you happy with it? If so I commend you, and I am grateful for your results. If not, change the conversation with yourself today, and start creating the life you want. You don’t have to do it alone. There is an abundance of help that awaits you.
In gratitude, light and LOVE,
My website is www.ginanicole.net
And facebook is https://www.facebook.com/VisionWithGinaNicole
Every woman has a story. Glow Girls are women who are consciously creating the lives their hearts and souls desire even though life has presented them some challenges and bumps along the way. Their light shines through the cracks creating GLOW. Every week we feature a new GLOW GIRL and her story. Don’t miss it! Join the YOU GLOW GIRL! Community on Facebook. Want to share your story? Email me at [email protected] to become a Glow Girl!
Learn more about Diane and how she can help you or your organization here!