Glow Girl! Edi Spanier


FullSizeRender (4)What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?

In many ways I feel like I have come full circle. When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I was a dancer (Jazz and Ballet). I also taught  fitness classes for a small studio where, along with a business partner, had a small retail section of fitness clothing. I loved being a part of the studio, the owners and instructors became like family. I am still in contact with many of them today.

I realize now that I’ve always had the dream of having my own small studio. I just didn’t recognize it as my life’s calling when I was in my twenties…I thought of it more as a fantasy. In pursuit of a ‘real career’ I went back to school and ultimately into my first ‘real career’ as a mortgage broker. While I enjoyed the work, it didn’t bring me alive. It paid the bills and I thought I was moving in the direction I was supposed to.

After having children and being away from my ‘career’ for a number of years, I realized that what I thought I should be doing wasn’t what was going to bring me deep fulfillment and happiness. I began searching for what I wanted to do ‘when I grew up.” It took me several years and lots of introspective work, but I finally realized what I had known all along; that coming back to working with people to help them find physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance was what my heart longed for.   I had been taking courses and received my certifications in several modalities through the years and I realized that I could bring all of my training and modalities together under one roof to support people on their own journey. With a vision, courage and trust, The Space Crescent Beach Wellness Studio was born.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?

Not believing in myself. Fearing that I was not enough just as I am. Feeling ‘not smart enough’ or ‘not educated enough’. It has taken years of looking deeply at these very rooted beliefs to uncover a belief in myself, to know that I am smart enough.

Of course I will always continue to learn and grow. I am a ‘learner’, I have a voracious curiosity for understanding and knowledge in areas that are of interest to me. I’m not sure what the tipping point was but through the challenges this past year (both business and personal), I have come to know that I am enough…just as I am and truly believe this now. It is a shift that I can feel in my body. I can’t explain it, I just know it is there now. 

How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

This past year has been one of huge growth. It is just over a year ago that The Space Crescent Beach opened it’s doors. The first year of business was a time of setting goals, re-evaluating, setting new goals, listening to both patrons and my inner wisdom, adjusting and creating.

I learned a great deal about myself, my abilities, my desire, my passion, my fears, my areas of development and strength. I began to believe in myself and trust my inner guidance. I took steps that I did not think I would be able to. I proved to myself that I can achieve my goals by letting go of the need for them to turn out a certain way, trusting in myself and asking for support when needed.

Learn more about the many services and classes offered by The Space by visiting the website!

Do you resonate with Edi’s experience of feeling like you are not enough? Then you need to watch this video!

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2 thoughts on “Glow Girl! Edi Spanier”

  1. Nice to read about your life journey. I met you briefly at your studio shortly after you opened and it is lovely to read the back story. Thank you for sharing!

    • Hi Linda,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I truly believe it is through sharing our stories authentically, being vulnerable and claiming our small victories, that we find meaningful connection with others. I look forward to welcoming you to our studio again sometime if any of our classes or workshops resonate with you. Wishing you a beautiful 2015!

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