What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?
My story…geez…what’s my word count allowance? My story is the discovery of who I truly am. I have ventured into the unknown, searching the world and my soul, learning about myself in work situations, social interactions and developing an inner knowing to who I am and what I am all about. It’s the most exciting journey I have ever been on and every day it takes me somewhere new! When I heard these wise words I knew this would be my journey forever: You never reach your destination, because once you arrive you always want something else, something more. Happiness never resides in the destination but in the journey, in the practice. My journey is to let that be enough and know that the best way to serve myself and the world around me is to explore my inner truth and live it the best I can, day by day.
What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?
My biggest challenge to date was not accepting my glow and understanding it fully. I used to try and slog through situations that ‘weren’t for me’ and do things for people that I really didn’t feel good about doing. I am getting better and listening to those subtle cues of a weird knot in my belly or feeling really lethargic while I was doing something… it means my glow metre is on LOW and needs to be recharged!
How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?
I have grown as a woman in a few ways. One very special way is committing and sharing my life with another by being engaged to my dream man. I call him that because I literally dreamt of him for years and years and then like magic… he appeared. He has taught me so much about myself, about being a woman and the discoveries of my strengths and weaknesses as a partner. I am truly blessed by this experience, by the profound growth I have received. I believe you learn the most about yourself in the eyes of another. An ah-ha moment for me this year has been this: no matter how much I want something, no matter how much I try, push, wish, plead and grasp, what I am looking for only appears when I slow down, listen, wait and watch. From this perspective, you can see the universe unfold and it’s in the “being” that the “doing” happens.
What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?
Your glow, that innate wisdom inside of you does not deserve to be ignored. It is there for a reason, it has a purpose and it is crying for your attention. So listen. Listen to that voice inside you that is telling you “you are more,” “you are light” “you are fun,” “you are joy” and so on…Learn ways in which you can express these sides of yourself. Learn ways that you can be truly seen and heard and truly ignited! What does that look like for you? How do you Glow? Stay with the question and the truth will appear. That’s a promise!
Learn more about Adera and her work at www.spirocreative.ca
Watch my Passionapreneur TV interview with Adera here
I also worked with Adera to produce the YOU GLOW GIRL! video here .
Read more inspirational women’s stories each week in the YOU GLOW GIRL! Community. Join today! https://www.facebook.com/groups/YOUGLOWGIRL/
I don’t know anyone who best describes a “Glow girl” as you do Adera Angelucci. We are so blessed to have you in our life and in our family. love you