You have all heard of, understand and may have even participated in a book club before. As a group you read a chapter or section of a book and then get together to share your thoughts, insights and possible inspirations from the defined pages. It is a wonderful experience to share and connect with others and deepen your experience with the chosen reading.
The same experience can help enhance, deepen and grow couple relationships.
All relationships, including our relationship with ourselves embody four realms – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For a relationship to sustain itself growth is required. For a relationship to deepen and become more meaningful, growth within these realms is encouraged.
When a couple begins their relationship, it is fun and exciting. As you spend time together learning about each other, you are connecting not only in a physical realm, but also a mental, sometimes emotional and potentially even spiritual realm. The glow of the initial connection leads to commitment, which in a lot of cases is perceived as the finish line. When in reality it is just the beginning.
Couples can continue or renew that exciting feeling, becoming closer and more connected as time passes by consciously creating connection and growth in the four realms.
Engaging in a private book club for two with your partner is a great way to connect in several realms at the same time. As a result, it is a powerful way to grow and nurture your love relationship.
Choose a book that is of interest to both of you. Just like a regular book club, determine your parameters. Will you read one chapter at a time and then discuss? When will you meet?
What type of atmosphere do you want to create for your book club? Do you want to meet in a coffee shop, go out for dinner together, go for a walk or snuggle up on the living room sofa with a glass of wine? The genre of your chosen book may impact your decision on where to meet.
When you meet ask questions like: What stood out or made an impression upon you in the pages we just read? If your chosen book has characters discuss them. Are there any similarities to you or anyone you know? Discuss the relationship between characters. If you are reading a non-fiction, business or self-help book discuss key take a ways or anything you would like to commit to trying as a result of what you learned.
But most importantly, just go to where your discussion leads you; for it is that path that will lead you to a place of stronger connection and deeper meaning.