I think we all agree – finding balance in our lives is no easy feat, yet to achieve sustainable performance in all areas of life; it is necessary to move closer to this concept that we refer to as balance. In my last post – “Work Life Balance” is Bogus! I shared my thoughts on why after so much talk, so much focus and so much effort to achieve balance in North America, we are not getting any closer.
It is simple. We are out of balance because our time and our priorities are not aligned.
Most, if not all of our focus, attention, strategy and planning efforts are reserved for our employment relationship. We do not provide the same attention and approach to all of the other relationships in our lives. Let me be clear here – I am not suggesting you stop being a dedicated high performer in the workplace. Clearly, most of us need a pay check to support our lives, so this is a fundamental relationship. What I am challenging you to do is ask yourself – How can I take some of the strategies I use in the workplace to ensure I am performing in the other relationships I value?
I am guessing some of you are saying, “Yeah, that is a great idea in theory, but in reality I do not have time.” I disagree. Let me prove it to you! We have seven days a week times 24 hours in a day, which means we have 168 hours in every week.
How do we use our 168 hours a week?
Sleep – 56 hours:
Sleep is critical to high performance so this is one area you must not steal from. Do your very best to always ensure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. If you are not well rested everything else you attempt will be much more difficult.
Work – 45-50 hours:
Ideally we all work 40 hours per week, but I understand that is likely not part of your reality. I have rounded up to 45-50 hours per week to be realistic. If you are working more than 50 hours per week I challenge you to look at how efficient your work practices are. Also –ask yourself an important question – Does working more hours validate me on some level? The focus should be on RESULTS, not how many hours you work.
Commuting & Chores – 12 hours:
This is obviously an approximation and varies per individual. The great thing about this area is if you are spending too much time here you can always flex it. For example, if cleaning your house is taking time away from one of your defined priorities like your family, you might consider getting a cleaning service. If you spend a great deal of time commuting, use this time to multi-task and nurture your relationship with yourself by listening to books on DVD.
The Magic Number – 50 hours:
This is the number I want you to consider. What do you do with that additional 50 hours per week? My guess is that you have never really thought about it before and as a result, you are not actively managing it. All of the magic is in this number and what you do with it.
Now we have a deeper appreciation for our time in a week, we need to clearly define our priorities so that we can align them. So my next question for you is – What are your top three priorities? Take a few minutes and write them down. My example would be:
- My children
- My partner
- My friends
Some other examples of top three priorities could include community or global service, your health, your education or career advancement. A good way to understand what your priorities are, is to ask yourself – How would I feel if I did not have this relationship in my life? There are no right, wrong or better answers and better yet you do not even have to share your answers with anyone. The most important thing is that you are clear in your own mind and heart on what your priorities are.
My challenge to you is to take some time and carefully consider what your top three priorities are. Write down everything that is important to you and then go through them one by one. Then consider how much of that magical additional 50 hours per week are you spending on your top three priorities? Is there a gap? Check back in two weeks to learn the next step to closing this gap and finding your way one step closer to meaningful balance.
Thanks for the insights Diane – I always love reading your ideas on how to improve my life! Kudos to you!