Glow Girl! Allison Pelton

Alli Glow Girl

What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?

I am a FORMER dieter, stress-eater, corporate executive, workaholic, depressed, anxiety-ridden woman. I’m presently a 42 year old mother to a beautiful, 10 year old boy, wife to an incredibly supportive husband and full-time Beachbody Coach. Over the past year I started a journey to find my healthy, authentic self and create the life of my dreams.

My true journey began in May of 2013 when an acquaintance introduced me to Shakeology. I never really hopped on board with the product; however, the friendship that was formed that day, would be one that would eventually change my life.

Time passed and due to work stress, excessive travel and fatigue, I got sick with severe bi-lateral pneumonia. I was sick from August – December 2013 and bedridden for much of it. As you can imagine, my body was achy; I was miserable and depressed. My health, my career & my relationships were all in jeopardy! I knew something had to change but I felt so chained to the life I was living I did not know where to start.

When everyone is expected to announce their New Year’s resolutions, I created a mission statement for myself: to be authentic, to be healthy and to be present. None of which would be easily accomplished in my current situation.

I was still in touch with the woman who shared her success with Shakeology and the Beachbody workout programs. I loved her positive energy and watched her posts on Facebook; something continued to draw me to them. Ours sons were now playing basketball together and I shared with her that I was looking for a change from my current job situation but that I was scared. I made a very good salary that our family depended on, I couldn’t just leave my job. I shared my ideas with her and she just listened.

One day in February of this year, she posted something about having balance in her life, being able to be there for her son’s events, create a healthy environment for herself, her family and make money doing it. That particular post on that particular day lit a spark in me. I cried when I read it and realized that I wanted that too! My husband and my son deserved a wife and mom that was present, that didn’t miss the moments. I deserved that!

I asked to meet with her and learn more about it. She talked with me and helped me to outline my goals, how much time I could actually put into the Beachbody business and what I could expect out of it. The more I learned the more I wanted to be a part of this incredible opportunity. I realized that I could create an amazing business; I could touch so many people’s lives and make as much, if not much more than the 6 figure salary I was making in the process.

I set a deadline for myself of January 1, 2014 to leave my corporate job and be a full-time Beachbody Coach. I am thrilled to say that dream became a reality 5 months ahead of schedule. I set my mind to it, created a plan with my husband and took the leap of faith in July!

Whenever fear or doubt creeps in, I remember my WHY: I am doing this so that I can live a healthy life, share my journey and help others and MOST importantly, be there for my son and husband who have only known me as an unhealthy, corporate mom/wife. I’m so happy they are starting to see a very new side of me, one that they really like; one that I really like.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?

I think like many women, there was a point in my life that I started to feel not good enough. For me, it seemed to center around my weight. Whether real or my perception, I was compared to other family members. I recall statements such as, “You should be more like…” or “I just don’t want you to turn out like…”, which caused me to develop a deep insecurity with the physical aspect of my life. I started dieting when I was 12, when my mother took me to my first Weight Watchers meeting. I’ve probably tried every “diet” imaginable and learned to compensate for my body image issues by excelling in other ways. Unfortunately, until I learned that the issue was not external but rather internal, my weight continued to climb.

How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

I have grown so much over this past year and I know I’ve only touched the surface on personal growth and development. I am so grateful that I found the opportunity to be a Beachbody Coach and help so many others, fulfill their dreams. I now realize it’s not about a number on the scale or about the corporate title and how much I work that determines my value. I have learned that by giving to others, you build an amazing life for yourself. Balance is key and it is NOT easy. Being an entrepreneur comes with its own set of challenges and I am learning to manage them one day at a time. Most importantly, I have created deeper, more meaningful connections with my husband and my son that I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world!

What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?

I have big plans to end the year strong and go into 2015 even stronger! I’m currently looking to build my team with women who want to make positive changes in their lives and pay it forward by leading and coaching others to a life of health and happiness. I am so excited to be creating content for my website (Make Your Life) to launch in the first quarter of 2015. The future is bright and I could not be happier that I took this leap of faith.

10714827_10204041153460833_128300193_n[1]You can find Allison on FB [email protected], IG @Alli1013 or on my website

Are YOU ready to create YOUR BEST YEAR YET? Diane’s fall Group Coaching Tribe starts on October 22nd. Spaces are limited and the pricing will never be at this low price EVER again. Learn more here.

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