Glow Girl! Anna Hewstan

What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?

Well, this is tough for me to answer because I don’t like putting labels on myself such as mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, marketer, rainmaker at Small Gigs.  I feel like those words restrict me even though I am all those things.  And perhaps by saying that I am those things, others will identify with me in some way and feel a connection, which is important to me.  So I guess I am a mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, marketer and rainmaker at Small Gigs.

I like to think of myself as a woman who is ever evolving, one that is doing her best to be the best at whatever she does  – although I do make mistakes as I go along! I have some talents that I share with others and I always work at improving those talents so that what I share gets better all the time and has greater impart in people’s lives – I guess that would be my work and my various relationships.

Since I became a mother, I am very conscious of how I live my life, I want my daughters to have a good example and to be proud of being my kids.  That sounds sappy but it is true!  And I want people around me to be proud of knowing me.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel may have dimmed YOUR GLOW?

I cannot say that I had a big life altering challenge or obstacle.  And I am blessed to have a very, very good life.  Like everyone, I have had bumps in the road: loves that didn’t last, friendships that ended in hurt, jobs that didn’t lead to that great promotion.  Each of those moments were “check-in’s” for me to re-group with myself.  Having a background in psychology, I tend to overanalyze and be a bit hard on myself.  Or is that just being a woman? I eventually get over the set-back and move on because it seems that there is always a new opportunity just around the corner to embrace and develop.  You may not see it at the time, but looking back, that has been the pattern for me.  Plus I have great people in my life that have always been my cheerleaders; I am so lucky to have them.  Everyone needs and deserves their own cheerleading squad.

How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

For me, it has been opening up my mind and my heart to new people, their opinions, inspirations and energies.  People will give you their opinions when you ask them, I have to remember that my job is to listen, not feel defensive but to invite all various perspectives and then quietly, on my own, take stock of what I have been given.

I have to remember that I perceive a situation one way, my way.  But others can bring a perspective that I have not thought of. It is not wrong or right, it is just different.  It is then up to me to figure out if and how to apply the gifts of wisdom from others

What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?

I wanted to share a personal prayer / meditation that I have been practicing. I first heard it in an Oprah video, surprise, surprise!  I believe it was part of her Soul Sunday shorts.

May I be safe,

May I be happy,

May I be strong,

May I be kind and generous (I added this myself),

May I live in peace.

I repeat it at night before I drift off to sleep, in the morning while driving solo in my car or anytime during the day when I find that my mind needs a break or I am in a lull.

Check out Anna’s website at

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