Glow Girl! Kate Muker

Kate Glow Girl 3What is YOUR story? Who are YOU? What is YOUR life journey all about?

I’m Kate Muker. I help women live up to their true potential. I share stories to inspire woman like you to trust your inner voice in motherhood, in work and in your everyday experiences. I speak about cultivating your intuition. And I write about designing a life that resonates with your soul. My events creates spaces that ignite your inner power and connect like-minded women who will support you on this journey towards a more meaningful life.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or where you are now. If you’re willing to turn inward, you will manifest every dream that lives in you.”

I am the proud mama of Indira, a beautiful soul who has been one of my life’s greatest teachers. I married my soulmate, who is my partner and biggest supporter in life and in business. I use entrepreneurship to fulfill my purpose: creating opportunities for women to live an abundant life.

My life looks good on the outside, but most importantly, it feels amazing on the inside.

I feel it’s really important to share that none of it was luck. It took intention and required action. I had to look inward.

I grew up looking for love and attention in all the wrong places—making decisions that hurt myself and others along the way. I was a bully who picked on other girls in school for attention. I was involved in mentally abusive relationships since the age of 13. And, in my late teens, I silenced the pain with copious amounts of drugs and alcohol.

Although I’ve always had a strong intuition, I was too scared to trust it. I gave others the power to make decisions for me – others who were even more lost than I was. I finally turned things around in my twenties. I began listening to the voice that I had muted for so long. I started cultivating a relationship with my inner wisdom. Finally, with a lot of courage, I walked away from the last unhealthy relationship – a giant leap toward self-love.

For the first time, I had listened to my heart and I felt empowered.

That same voice told me to look at the next obstacle that was restricting me: my job. I wanted to quit, which meant walking away from a fat salary with no future work lined up. My family and peers thought I was insane to even consider it. “You’re 24 years old and you have no post-secondary education. You won’t find anything better—be responsible!”, they pleaded. But the universe told me that the most responsible thing I could do with my one life was to start steering my own ship. It seemed like such a risk—but I did it anyway. I quit!

I decided to go traveling and embarked on a solo journey that solidified my commitment to living my truth. I haven’t looked back since.

Shortly after my return, I manifested a loving relationship with a wonderful man who later became my husband. Together, we are creating a beautiful life that is aligned with our values and our vision.

Professionally, I was a “wantrepreneur” for many years. I had lots of ideas, spent many hours brainstorming and researching only to be paralyzed by self doubt, perfectionist tendencies and fear of failure. In 2010 I pushed through my fears, dropped into trust and took action; Conscious Divas launched. Over the past 5 years I have built a large local and online community, established myself as a leader, had the opportunity to work with industry leaders in the personal growth world and have sold out numerous events with over 400 people.

Yes, this is the result of taking action on the outside; but truthfully, it’s the inner work that has made everything I create possible. And the best part has been living with more ease, flow and resonance with my soul.

My mission is to show you how to cultivate a relationship with your inner wisdom so that your decisions are rooted in self-love and your life is fueled by your true purpose.

What has been YOUR biggest challenge or life obstacle that YOU feel has dimmed YOUR GLOW?

One of my biggest challenges is not celebrating and recognizing my own achievements and success. I will focus and work so hard towards a vision, achieve it beyond my wildest dreams and then skip right to the next goal or critiquing how I could have done it better. My journey is about constantly developing a new relationship with the “I am not enough” and the “Perfectionist” that live within me.

Kate (3)How have YOU grown as a woman in the last year? What lessons, insights or ah-ha moments have you had?

2014 was by far one of my most challenging years. The universe hit me with what felt like a number of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual tsunamis. Every time I thought I was coming up for air another one would hit.

Two of my biggest observation and learning’s…

At times the circumstances outside of me are out of my control (even though I believe we are co-creators of our reality) and the best thing to do is surrender. When force hits force it’s messy. When force is met with surrender it passes.

There is nothing more important that nourishing my mind, body and soul. When I think I don’t have the time to prioritize my needs that is when I need it the most. I can’t give to my family, business and friends from an empty cup.

What else do YOU want to share with the YOU GLOW GIRL!® Community?

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to cultivate a relationship with your inner wisdom so that your decisions are rooted in self-love and your life is fueled by your true purpose. When you create and live from a place that is rooted in the whispers of your soul and who you want to “BE” in the world, the results you create are more magical than you could have ever imagined.

I’m excited to support women on this journey with the launch of BEING WOMAN a One Day Urban Retreat in West Vancouver, hosted with my good friend Lara Kozan, Co-founder of Yyoga & Nectar Juicery.

Being Woman- is a one day urban retreat experience for women ready to create their lives powerfully. Women ready to dive deeper into their self knowing and hear what their soul is whispering. Women ready to embrace the power of the feminine and choose who they want to be for themselves, their families and the world. Women ready to create real, tangible changes and results.

It is a retreat for woman ready to powerfully create their biggest vision.

Please join us on June 6th! For more info and to register click here.

Every woman has a story. Glow Girls are women who are consciously creating the lives their hearts and souls desire even though life has presented them some challenges and bumps along the way. Their light shines through the cracks creating GLOW. Every week we feature a new GLOW GIRL and her story. Don’t miss it! Join the YOU GLOW GIRL! Community on Facebook. Want to share your story? Email me at [email protected] to become a Glow Girl!

Learn more about Diane and how she can help you or your organization here!