INSPIRE - Empowering Women in Leadership

A Community for High Achieving, Intentional 

Women in Leadership

"When women get together as a group, it's immensely powerful"

INSPIRE - is a Community of like-minded, high achieving and intentional women that are consciously creating success. INSPIRED women excel in their professional and personal lives with the support of their community who provides an objective space to share WINS and receive coaching and feedback. Together, anything is possible!


We meet every month on the second Wednesday. We meet mid day on odd numbered months and in the evening on even numbered months to accommodate your busy schedule!


INSPIRED is an objective community where you can come together with women outside of your workplace and regular communities to focus on and celebrate your success. Connect, network and make new friends.


Monthly Group Coaching Calls are facilitated by a Business Leadership Coach and provide an opportunity for coaching on your current challenges.


Share your vision, set goals and make commitments to the group. Being accountable to others is an excellent way to make great strides.

Focus & Momentum

By committing to show up for the group and yourself once a month you create a rhythm and momentum which is proven to create more success than going it alone.

One woman can make a difference, but together

we can ROCK the world”


INSPIRE is a safe and objective place outside of your workplace and regular communities, where you can bring your WINS and challenges and receive coaching and feedback from not only myself, but the other women in the community.

It's also a great place to build your network and meet some new friends that "get you!"


Single Annual Payment


Payments Twice a Year

$450.00 x 2

Monthly Payments

$85.00 x12

Diane Taylor

I'm passionate about helping women succeed! As an Executive Coach and Human Resources Consultant, I've had the privilege of supporting many women overcome their challenges an create raving success in their professional and personal lives. INSPIRE - Empowering Women in Leadership lights me up as the combination of coaching from me and the feedback and support of the other women in the Community is a VERY powerful and effective way to make your dreams come true. I hope you will join us!  I am here to support you every step of the way!  

Sign up now!

and get ready to be INSPIRED!


Empowering Women in Leadership